Saturday, January 1, 2011

Worst New Year's Ever

The planet was strangely stable when it all started...

Just before midnight the pacific islanders, or those up too late for their own good, noticed the sea rolling away to the East. They predicted a tsunami that never came. About an hour later they followed the pacific into oblivion.

From space it appeared as a thin red fringe, from pole to pole along the meridian opposite the sun, with a smoldering glow where the core was exposed.

Those further west lost contact first with Asia, Australia, the Middle East.

Americans were temporarily euphoric at their new-found lightness as the gravity bled away to who knows where.

As the world folded in on its self the moon felt the pull of a new master. For the first time in mellinia it had to find a new orbit.

The next day there was nothing for the sun to rise over. It just hung there with nobody left to notice.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A Review of TRON 2.0

Could have been epic...

Deep in the basement of Disney's magic tower is a sealed chamber. Within this sacred room is a small table, about a meter to a side.

And upon this table is a clear plastic dome. In its original configuration the dome contained simple dice. Players pressed the dome, and it would spring up, randomizing the dice within.

But Disney replaced the dice with cubes of their own devising, each with various plot and story elements inscribed on their six faces. Each element harvested via careful analysis of a compelling (ie, profitable) film.

So when faced with the task of creating a script for a new wintertime feature, a feature no one felt particularly compelled to write, the scriptwriting team gathered within the vault. They sat on metal folding chairs around the table. And with reverential silence the lead storyteller pressed down on the dome.

They all held their breath, and POP! The story elements were presented.

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